You Don't Know Jack Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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You Don't Know Jack | |
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You Don't Know Jack
Gameplay cheat:
The only way to get a fiber optic field trip is
to have a gibberish question on question 3 or 4.
If you get a gibberish question on 3, your field
trip will be on question 7; if your gibberish
question is 4 your trip will be on question 8.
Submitted by: DJ Simo
On a gibberish question type in "fuck you".
Different things will happen depending on the
version of YDKJ that you are playing.
Do this three times and the program will shut
down because you are a true vulgarian.
Demo Mode
At the beginning when it says, "For additional options
press Escape," press D for demo mode.
Punishment for Rude Behavior
If you want to have some fun with the announcer, and are
not afraid of losing, type in f@#k you ( the real word
without symbols). You can do this up to three times in a
full game. Each time it will say something different and
"things" will happen, like he will give you a new name,
which is different each game you do this. Any fun loving
adult will appreciate the results.
Fiber Optic Field Trip:
Wait until a Gibberish Question appears as question three or four. The
Field Trip will be on question seven if the Gibberish Question was
question three. The Field Trip will be on question eight if the Gibberish
Question was question four.
Funny response:
Answer F**k You (without the asterisks) to any Gibberish question. The first
and second times this is done, the game will give you a smart mouth reply.
The third time will shut the game off, and you need to restart your computer
to play again.
Host burns you worse then usual:
Type F**k You (without the asterisks) as your player name, then when you get
a gibberish question, type F**k You (without the asterisks) to get an even
worse response than if you had entered a regular name.
The ultimate response:
Start a three player game, then wait for a gibberish question. Proceed to buzz
in with each player and type F**K You (without the asterisks). The third time
you do this, the host goes on about how he is not putting up with this and
quitting the game. During this, press any key. The host will say similar to,
" Oh no, you're not getting out that easy, this game is over!".
Then, something very funny will happen.
Double points:
When a category appears that you have already done appears, buzz in immediately
before the multiple choice answers appears and type in the correct answer.
The game will give you a smart mouth reply and then award double points.
Assigned names:
Do not enter any name after Cookie repeatedly asks you to do so, until a name
is automatically assigned.
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Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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